Tips for a good night’s sleep

Disclaimer: I am no means an expert, these are just things that have worked for me. This page may contain affiliate links to amazon products. Want a good night’s sleep? With such busy lifestyles, sometimes sleep is not prioritised. However, sleep is so important as it helps rest the body and mind, which in turn

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Project 366 – 15th April to 21st April

Week 16 Back to school week! Monday Had to go to Specsavers for Bee’s contact lense check up to check her eyesight with them and make sure they aren’t irritating her eyes. All was fine and we signed up for the contacts, but I wasn’t expecting them to take 2 months payment in advance, so

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Project 366 – 8th April to 14th April

Week 15 Eid week this week. Monday An early start this morning as headed to Specsavers for a contact lense trial for Bee. She has myopia and it appears they now have a special lense for children to help slow down the progression of the short sightedness. At her appointment last week her prescription has

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Project 366 – 1st April to 7th April

Week 14 Easter holidays but as it is Ramadan we have mainly been spending it at home. Monday A quiet day at home. Spent a bit of time in the garden with bubbles. Although cut the grass a few weeks back, it has grown back so quickly. Waiting for Ramadan to be over before I

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Project 366 – 18th March to 24th March

Week 12 A quiet week as didn’t feel well for most of it. Monday Throat really sore so decided not to meet up with friends today. Chilled at home and Minu was pretty good and played quietly. No pictures. Tuesday Started getting a temperature today too so again didn’t go out to our usual rhyme

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Project 366 – 11th March to 17th March

Week 11 The start of Ramadan this week. Haven’t really decorated much this year, just didn’t feel right with all the Palestinians being killed and basically starved as aid can’t get in. Monday Ramadan begins with the sighting of the moon. Those who follow Saudi moon sighting started fasting today. Those who follow Morroco/local moon

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. In the month of Dhū al-Ḥijjah, Muslims go to Makkah for the offering of Hajj (pilgrimage). Performing of pilgrimage is obligatory for financially and mentally stable Muslims once in a lifetime. In addition, Performing Umrah is similar to the Hajj. You can also call it a

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Project 366 – 4th March to 10th March

Week 10 Usual routine, nothing special. Monday A busy day. Headed to the local cafe and soft play to meet up with a friend. Then had to have a blood test to check my blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Told the nurse to go straight for my head and she remembered me and said she

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